These pure photographs were in essence practical ‘maquettes’ for the main proposal. Martin wanted to test out his theory, using real prisms some 15cm high. Photographed outside, using only sunlight the striking results have absolutely minimal digital processing.
Whilst the overarching purpose of Refraction is to commemorate, in the main artwork each prism image also represents one of the outstanding attributes of the British people – including Courage, Kindness and Dedication - so profoundly amplified during the pandemic.
The effect of refraction itself is to create a spectrum of colour, paying tribute here to the way the whole country embraced the NHS and its adopted colours.
‘Refraction’ is defined as a change of direction as a result of a change of speed. Could anything be more apposite for the effect of the pandemic? It caused us all to look at every aspect of our lives through a new lens.
It led us to re-evaluate what’s important and how we engage with our work, our community and our loved ones.
It led us to a wider appreciation of our key workers and to the brilliance of our scientists.
The way the prisms point up to the open sky suggest a sense of optimism, of looking forward.
As the Chair of the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration said, we need to collectively ’shape how we can reflect and remember this extraordinary moment in our collective history’
All photographs © Martin Barraud